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Bagley to Hayt, 11 February 1879, in United States, Office of Indian Affairs, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1880, National Archives Microcopy 234, Roll 627, NADP Document D105.
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Special Report


Toledo, Benton Co, Ogn. February 11, 1879

      Referring to my Estimate of funds of this date. I respectfully ask your carefull and favorable consideration of the estimate for the removal to and settlement upon this Reserve of Renegade bands of Indians in Southern Oregon and Northern California, and desire to call your attention to a few facts in relation thereto
      This Reserve contains sufficient good land for occupation by Indians to furnish homes for all these bands, where they could be brought under good influences, and in a few years revised to that Standard of Morality and true manhood which

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many of the Indians here have already attained to instead of being as they now are a nuisence and a blot upon the name of Man and who are spreading their moral and heathenish poison over the various Reservations on the Pacific Coast. Where they are and coming in contact as they do with only the basest class of Whites there is not a Shadow of chance for their improvement or elevation to Citizenship.
      They are all firm adherents to the Religion of the Dreamer's which is the religion of all the hostile tribes. On the first of last October I learned that

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there was to be a great coming together of these bands at or near Jacksonville Oregon for the purpose of holding a religious dance festival at which time they proposed to Show the Reservation Indians Some marvelous and misterious things in connection with their religion. Having many applications from our Indians for pass to go there, and thinking there would be likely to be a number of indians there who belonged here and were without passes, I conceived the idea of sending two of our most trustworthly men to meet (the renegades) them in Council, and confer with

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them on the subject of their Settlement here. I accordingly Selected John Adams, who is a thorough Christian, and a licensed Exhorter in the M. E. Church and Interpreter George Harney, who went and met them in council, and drew from them the expression of a desire to change their wild life for a quiet home on the reserve
      They Saw and talked with indians from Yreka and from various places in California as well as others from Rogue River and Chetco in Southwestern Or who were very desirous of meeting an authorized agent of the Govmt from this reserve who would talk

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with them about coming here
      The representives (Adams & Harney) from this Agency were so much the Superiors of their Prophets in point of intellect and a general knowledge of the world that their religious dance was a total failure so far as obtaining proselytes was concerned.
      From letters received here from Citizens of Jacksonville, I found that the good impressions made by our Indians were not confined to the Indians in council but that the Citizens themselves marked the Superior intelligence of our Indians. Since their return to the Agency after an absence of

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24 days. The religion of the dreamers has not flourished here. The route taken by them to reach Jacksonville was "Via" Albany per horseback thence to Roseburg to Rail, thence to Jacksonville by Stage, and back by same route. Travelling expenses for the round trip amounting in the aggregate to about $200.– which was paid by myself and for which there is yet no provision for reimbursement.
      I am fully convinced that it provided with the funds asked for and permitted to go in person and visit these bands I could induce nearly all of them to come here and Settle

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permanently, and I respectfully ask that if possible the amount required be allowed.
      Again refering to the matter of Travelling expense I desire to Say that a considerable amount of such expense has been incurred in Securing the conviction of a party for Selling liquor to Indians, reference to which was made in my Monthly Report for January.
      I respectfully ask permission to pay all the travelling expenses of the Indian witnesses who will appear in court and assist by their evidence in the conviction of Such men, and allow them to use their court fees in the purchase of clothing or other articles of

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utility to them.
      This as an inducement for them to inform on the guilty parties.
      I further respectfully ask to be allowed to reimburse myself for the outlay for travelling expenses of John Adams and Geo Harney out of funds allowed this Agency for expense for present quarter.

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
William Bagley
U.S. Indian Agent

Hon E. A. Hayt
Commissioner of Indian Affs