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Ambrose to Palmer, 12 June 1854, in United States, Office of Indian Affairs, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1880, National Archives Microcopy 234, Roll 608 (excerpt), NADP Document D29.
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[...] went on a visit to the coast and arrived just in time to loose his life in the first outbreak in that quarter, which with the one that Miller had killed made seven of their number who had lost their lives within the space of so many months, and the Indians complain that all this was done, without their having violated the Treaty of peace. Their appearance amongst those hostile bands may have been accidental, of this I am not able to say; but being caught in bad company they were treated accordingly.
      They appealed to "Bill" Chief of the Deer Creek to revolt and assist them in avenging their wrongs as they considered they had been wronged. "Bill" refused and they immediately left the country, and I have but little doubt of their being the principal perpetrators of the Indian Creek murder. The particulars of which I have not learned from the best information I can get it seems that about one month ago. There was a man by the name of Wills murdered in his house on Indian Creek a tributary of the Klamath River in California. The trail from the cabin of the murdered man led over toward the head waters of Illinois, which it seems satisfied the persons in pursuit of the Indians that it was the Illinois & Deer Creek Indians [...]

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[...] with a determination to kill every Indian they could find; unfortunately the first Indian they saw was a son of "old Chief John" who was engaged in assisting some white men in packing he was fired at by the party and wounded but made his escape. Upon his arrival in the Indian camp he reported the proceedings of the white men, which very much frightened the Indians and they fled to the mountain for safety. They informed me they had not fired at any white person, nor did not intend to only in self defence. I found them quite willing to remove to the lands which had been assigned them as a reservation. They expressed some fears of being unable to procure a living on the reserve until their crops would mature. They were out of provisions and allready in a suffering condition, and as it was absolutely necessary to remove them in order to avert a war I procured them such provisions as their actual wants required, while on the journey and a sufficiency to last a few days in their new homes. A few of the Illinois Indians I fear were concerned in the murder of Wills. I have not had a talk with them yet, from the fact that I could not find them, Capt. Smith of the U.S.A. has been in [...]