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Wells to Commissioner, 12 January 1867, in United States, Office of Indian Affairs, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1880, National Archives Microcopy 234, Roll 615 (excerpt), NADP Document D93.
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[...] they are in constant dread of being extruded.
      Allied to this feeling, is that which arises from their knowledge of the people around them, who desire and are now making the effort to induce the Department to remove them from their homes at Alsea; the necessity for which is not apparent to me; although I have freely canvassed the subject with those who are so anxious to have it accomplished. Nor can I see that this necessity will arise, for many years to come, if it ever arises at all.
      These Indians are on no public thoroughfare; are in no mans way: the routes of travel are distant from them: there cannot under any state of circumstances be a collision with them by miners or travellers: and as far as I can judge, they will not be intruded upon by bona fide settlers who in good faith would seek the lands on their reserve, for settlement, with the view to cultivate and develop their resources.
      A reason urged for their removal

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is supposed to exist in the demand for lands, which the Yaquinna Bay if Surveyed, would elicit: but even if this were done, it has yet to be demonstrated that a safe harbor would be found: that the avoidance of the bar at the mouth of the Columbia river is practicable: the draught of vessels must be ascertained: no rail-road is as yet built from the head of tide or Elk City to Corvallis; and even if all these improvements were accomplished, many years must elapse before Portland would consent to the existence of a rival city in Newport, to despoil her of her trade.
      Admit however for the sake of the argument (as it has been presented to me), but not for that of the fact, that all this were done, it would still be unjust to remove this peaceful and otherwise contented people from their homes at "Alsea," without [...]