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Watkins to Hayt, 28 December 1878, in United States, Office of Indian Affairs, Letters Received by the Office of Indian Affairs, 1824-1880, National Archives Microcopy 234, Roll 628, NADP Document D99.
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Rockford Michigan
Dec. 28. 1878.

Hon. E. A. Hayt
Com. Ind. Affs.

      I have the honor to enclose a letter just received from F M Carter, formerly Agency physician at Siletz Oregon, referring to the management of the Agency.
      When I was there fifteen months ago, the agency was in a dilapidated condition and there was much to criticise in the management of Agent Bagley – (see my report) It was then contemplated to remove the Indians, and abandon the Agency. If it is to be continued, I think it would be well to send a new man and relieve Agent Bagley.

Very respectfully &c
E. C. Watkins