Office of Indian Affairs, March 15, 1871.
SIR: I Have the honor to invite your attention to the following subjects, in connection with the duties of the Board of Indian Commissioners, viz:
Provision is made by the second article of the treaty concluded September 30, 1854, between the United States and the Chippewa Indians of Lake Superior and the Mississippi, (Stats. at Large, vol. 10. p. 1109,) for the issue of patents for the selections of certain members of the tribe.
Provision is also made by the eighth article of the treaty concluded October 2, 1863, with the Red Lake and Pembina bands of Chippewa Indians, for the issue of patents for certain selections for members of said bands.
Under date of August 5, 1870, R.F. Crowell, esq., received instructions as special agent to investigate and report who are entitled to the benefits of the above provisions, and has made a partial report to this office.
It is suggested whether the snpervision of the Board of Indian Commissioners in the adjustment of timber claims of said Indians is not required, and whether it would be well for them to visit the locality where these Indians are, and fully investigate the matter.
A treaty of peace is about to be concluded between the Pawnee tribe and the Sioux, at the Santee Sioux agency. The time fixed for the meeting is to be not later than April 7. It is also suggested whether it would not be well for some of the Indian commissioners to be present.
A treaty is also contemplated between the Blackfeet and Pend d'Oreilles, and I deem it advisable that a representation of the Indian commission should be present when said negotiations take place; further information in regard to the same will be given said commission upon the subiect, if they should propose to send a representation.
Provision is made by a resolution of Congress, approved July 1, 1870, for negotiation with the Indians upon the Umatilla reservation in Oregon, to ascertain whether said Indians will relinquish their right to said reserve and remove therefrom; this negotiation will take place in a short time, and it is respectfully suggested whether it would not be well for a representation of said commission to be present.
The selection of a reserve for the Osages on Cherokee lands west of 96 [degrees] having been recommended, and there being conflicting statements in regard to the price for the same, I respectfully recommend that said commission be requested to send a delegation to travel over the selection for the Osages, and examine thoroughly every part, and report their views as to the price to be fixed upon the same, and that also they extend their visit over all of the Cherokee land west of 96 {degrees], extending to 100 degrees west, and report in detail the character of the same, and their views as to the proper value to be affixed.
Frequent reports have been received in regard to trouble which is apprehended with the Cheyennes and Arapahoes, and Kiowas and Comanches, and I therefore deem it advisable that said commission should have these Indians visited by members of their
commission and the fact fully ascertained, and their labors extended to avert trouble if necessary.
There are also two subjects relative to Indian affairs in California, which I deem it proper should receive the attention of the commission. viz:
The Mission Indians in Southern California, who are without a reserve and without an agent also.
Tulare River farm, rented for an agency, where there has been much trouble between the Indians and surrounding whites, and where it is questionable whether the renting of said farm should be continued.
With reference to the act of July 15, 1870, making it the duty of the Board of Indian Commissioners to supervise the expenditure of money appropriated for the Indian service, I would state that the custom of this office in regard to placing funds at the disposal of superintendents and agents is as follows:
The officers referred to submit itemized estimates of the funds required by them each quarter or half year, and this Bureau remits to them what is deemed necessary and advisable, due regard being had to the amount appropriated and applicable for the objects for which the funds are required, I respectfully submit whether it is desired to make any change in this custom, and if so, shall this office advise the Board of Indian Commissioners when remittances are made, that some member or members thereof may supervise the expenditure of the money.
Referring to the provision in the last Indian appropriation act, relative to submitting vouchers for goods and supplies furnished to the Indians, or for the tranportation thereof, or of machinery, buildings, &c., under and by virtue of any contract, to the executive committee of the Board of Indian Commissioners for examination and approval, it is respectfully submitted for your decision whether any vouchers except those given for goods and supplies, &c., furnished under written contract are to be so submitted, or does the law require all vouchers of whatever description, including the accounts of superintendents and agents, to be referred to said committee for the objects stated.
To avoid making this report of too great a length, as brief statements as possible have been made. Full information in detail will be furnished said commission upon any of the subjects mentioned by this office, if the same is required.
I will also add that, in addition to the foregoing, I deem it of great importance that the attention of the commissioners should be called to the proposed council to be held between the civilized tribes of Indian territory and the wild tribes west, to take place in the ceded Creek country about the 1st of April next, as it is important that said commission should be represented there.
Also to the condition of the freedmen residing in the Choctaw and Chickasaw countries, provision having been made in regard to them in the Choctaw and Chickasaw treaty of April 28, 1866. (Stats. at Large, vol. 14, page 769.) The condition of these people is entirely unsettled, and demands attention and action.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
E.S. PARKER, Commissioner
Secretary of the Interior.