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Act of 27 February 1851
and treaties D20:2

Adams, John
delivered speech in 1903 D57:294
invited dissenters to council D105:4-5
on land negotiation committee in 1892 D86:7
signed 1878 petition D94:4

Agreement of 31 October 1892

fruit trees died in transit to Siletz D74:3-4
land on Siletz in 1879 D53:238
mill needed at Umpqua Sub-Agency D22:3
mills on Siletz Reservation in 1883 D60:188-89
on Coast Reservation in 1856 D41:2
on Coast Reservation in 1858-62 D68:1-4
on Coast Reservation in 1860 D66:1
on Coast Reservation in 1861 D71:1
on Siletz Reservation in 1871 D83:1-3
on Siletz Reservation in 1873 D87:2
on Siletz Reservation in 1878 D97:2
on Siletz Reservation in 1879 D102:1-2
on Siletz Reservation in 1879 D106:1
on Siletz Reservation in 1879 D112:2-3
on Siletz Reservation in 1879 D53:238
on Siletz Reservation in 1882 D54:199
on Siletz Reservation in 1883 D60:187-90
on Siletz Reservation in 1884 D55:189-90
on Siletz Reservation in 1903 D57:292
on Siletz Reservation in 1903 D58:407
on Siletz Reservation in 1906 D59:333
on Table Rock Reservation in 1854 D29:2
on Table Rock Reservation in 1855 D26:2
on Table Rock Reservation D91:2
taught on Siletz Reservation D100:1

abuse on Siletz Reservation in 1903 D57:293
sale witnesses in trial in 1879 D105:7
trade in southwest Oregon to be suppressed in 1850 D2:1
traders intercepted by superintendent in 1850 D3:3

and 1892 purchase of Siletz Indian land D80:4-9
land on Siletz surveyed for allotment in 1879 D109:2
on Siletz Reservation in 1871 D83:2
problems on Siletz Reservation D98:2-4

Alsea Indians
conditions in 1877 D85:1-4
fishing rights and homes in 1879 D111:1-2
moved to Siletz Reservation in 1877 D89:1-7
on Siletz Reservation in 1882 D54:202
on Siletz Reservation in 1884 D55:190
removal demanded by white citizens in 1879 D113:1
tried to locate homesteads in 1879 D109:3

Alsea Jackson
signed petition D94:4

Alsea Reservation
pressure to close criticized in 1867 D93:2-3
took in Coos and Umpquas in 1860 D65:1

Alsea River
and Indian fishing in 1877 D85:1
in 1855 description of Coast Reservation D28:1

Althouse Creek
boundary of land ceded 10 September 1853 treaty D18:4
in treaty of 8 September 1853 D17:1

Alvord, Gen. Benjamin
and isolation of Coast Reservation D77:4

Ambrose, George
agent in 1855 D28:1
agent in 1855 D30:1-2
agent in 1856 D34:1-2
and alleged 1855 Indian robbery of Chinese D26:1-2
appraiser of depredation claims in 1853 D18:1
on Indians remaining at Table Rock in 1855 D32:1
on killing in 1854 D29:1-2
on Rogue River War (1855-56) D31:1
on Table Rock conditions in 1855 D27:1
on unpaid depredation claims in 1856 D35:1
reported killing of Indian women in 1856 D45:1

Anachaharah (Jim)
signed 10 September 1853 Rogue River treaty D18:8
signed 8 September 1853 treaty D17:3

1853 Rogue River depredation claims unpaid D35:1
for Rogue River Indians in 1853 D18:1
in 10 September 1853 Rogue River treaty D18:2-3
in 8 September 1853 Rogue River treaty D17:2
paid to Southern Oregon Indians in 1854-55 D22:1

signed 1878 petition against agent D96:4

Applegate Creek
in 10 September 1853 treaty D18:4
in 8 September 1853 treaty D17:1

Applegate, Jesse
characterized D6:1
on need for military post for permanent peace D12:4

Apserkahar (Joe) (Abiding Horse)
accused in killings of miners in 1853 D16:3
agreed to keep peace in 1851 D12:4
signed 10 September 1853 Rogue River treaty D18:8
signed 8 September 1853 treaty D17:3

Arden, Enoch
hauled stones from Klamath Farm to Siletz in 1878 D110:3

guarded reservations in 1858 D62:3
post requested for Rogue River Valley D12:4
post requested for Rogue River Valley in 1851 D7:1

against Rogue River Indians by Young in 1851 D12:2
killing of Rogue River women and children in 1855 D45:1

Auger, Capt. Christopher
escort for 1856 removal of coast bands D38:2

Bagley, William
absent from reservation D101:1
advertised for agricultural implements in 1878 D84:1
agent at Siletz in 1879 D102:2
agent at Siletz in 1879 D112:1
criticized concerning allotments in 1878 D98:3
dismissed as agent in 1879 D53:237
made trip to obtain medicine in 1879 D104:1
on "Dreamers" religious dance in 1879 D105:1
on Alsea removal in 1877 D89:1-7
on condition of Alsea Indians in 1877 D85:1
on his dismissal as agent D99:1
on taking land from reservation in 1879 D108:1-3
on vouchers for transportation costs in 1879 D110:1
predicts good crops in 1879 D106:1
removal requested by Indians in 1878 D96:1-6
removal requested by Indians in 1878 D97:1-2
sent representatives to see dissenters in 1879 D105:1-8

Barlow, William J.
wounded at Willow Springs in 1851 D8:2

signed 1878 petition against agent D96:5

Beeson, John
on atrocities in Rogue River War in 1856 D45:1
on Rogue River War in 1856 D40:1
on Rogue River War in 1856 D43:1
on war and treatment of Indians in 1856 D44:1

Bensell (Tututunne)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:4

Bensell, Royal A.
and arrest of oyster pirate in 1864 D77:1-2
and land for individual Indians in 1878 D98:2-3
on 1879 land scheme D108:1-3
on 1879 land survey D109:1

Benton County
and boundary of Siletz Reservation in 1879 D53:238
jurisdiction over Siletz Reservation in 1892 D80:5
complained of reservation boundaries in 1855 D28:1-2

Biddle, B.R.
agent on Coast Reservation in 1862 D68:1
answered corruption accusations in 1862 D70:1
criticized by superintendent in 1862 D74:1-4
criticized his dismissal in 1862 D75:1
lacked confidence of Sixes leader in 1862 D73:5

Bill (Deer Creek)
leader of Deer Creek Indians in 1854 D29:2

Bill (Galice Creek)
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:5

Bill (Rogue River)
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:5

Bill (Sixes)
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:4

Billie (Rogue River)
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:5

in Calapooia treaty in 1854 D22:4
Coast Reservation in 1856 D41:2

Blair, C.P.
and corruption accusations against Siletz agent D70:2
sold Siletz agent mule on credit in 1862 D74:3

Board of Commissioners of Military Affairs
appointed appraisers D18:1

Bob (Joshua)
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:6

Bob (Nestucca)
signed 1878 letter against Bagley D96:3

Boise, Reuben P.
on 1892 land negotiation commission D80:1-15
land negotiations D86:7-8

Boswell, John
agency physician described reservation D101:1

Bowers, Joe (Nestucca)
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:4

Brown, Oscar
Indians refused services as interpreter in 1892 D86:1
interpreter at 1892 surplus land sale council D80:1

Browne, George
said secessionists interfered on reservation in 1861 D67:1

Browne, J. Ross
federal investigator on Northwest Indian wars D61:2
spoke with coast leaders D64:12-18

Brownlee and Miller
contractors on Table Rock Reservation in 1855 D26:2

Bruce, James
elected major of volunteers in 1855 D32:1
made depredation claim in 1856 D36:1
saved by volunteer company in 1855 D45:1

Buchanan, Maj. Robert
promised Indians they could return home D73:3

Buckhannon, James
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:4

Bureau of Indian Affairs
and sale of unallotted land D80:1-21

signed 1878 letter against agent D96:5

Calapooia Indians
and treaty of 29 November 1853 D22:4
at Umpqua Sub-Agency in storm of 1856 D34:1
in Willow Springs fight in 1851 D8:2
might be relocated in Coast Range in 1855 D28:1

Calapooia Valley
visited by superintendent in 1850 D3:2

and Rogue River War in 1856 D40:1
conflicts between miners and Indians in 1851 D11:1
Indians and reservation dissenters in 1879 D105:1-4
miners came to Oregon in 1856 D40:1
problems like those of Oregon in 1856 D45:1
site of bloodshed and misery in 1851 D7:1
visited by Oregon superintendent in 1850 D3:3

Calumet (schooner)
carried supplies to Coast Reservation D46:1-3
wrecked in 1856 in Siletz Bay D48:1
wrecked in 1856 in Siletz Bay D49:1

Cape Foulweather
proposed as location of harbor in 1879 D108:2

Captain (Galice Creek)
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:5

Captain (Shasta Costa)
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:5

Captain (Tututunne)
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:4

Carson, Frank
on 1892 sale of Siletz land D80:9
on land negotiation committee in 1892 D86:7

Carter, Dr. F.M.
criticized reservation management in 1878 D99:1
on Siletz Reservation in 1883 D60:188

Cascade Range
boundary of land ceded in 10 September 1853 treaty D18:4
in 1850 Chinook boundary description D3:2

Catfish (Joshua)
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:6

Chalcraft, Edwin L.
Siletz Reservation superintendent in 1903 D58:407

Chapman, John
signed 1878 petition D94:4

Charley (Coquille)
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:6

Charley (Nestucca)
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:4

Charley (Sixes)
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:4

Charley Shellhead
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:4

Chatten, Rev. C.C.
in charge of Siletz school in 1873 D87:2

Chehalem Valley
settlement founded by Ewing Young in 1851 D12:2

Chemawa School
established in Salem in 1892 D80:15

Chetco Indians
talked to dissenters in 1879 D105:4
village burned in 1854 D23:2

Chickman (Joshua)
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:6

living in boarding house in 1882 D54:202
sent to Forest Grove school from Siletz in 1884 D55:190

robbed by Indians in 1855 D26:1

Chinook Indians
boundaries in 1850 D3:2

Cholcultah (George)
punished accused thieves in 1855 D26:1-2

on Siletz Reservation in 1882 D54:200-201

Church, William
assistant conductor for 1856 removal of coast bands D38:2

Civil War
former Alsea sub-agent joined Confederate Army in 1862 D69:1
secessionists active on Siletz Reservation in 1861 D67:1

Clay, Henry (Joshua)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:6

Coast Range
in 1850 Chinook boundary description D3:2

Coast Reservation
1856 destination for relocated people D42:1
and oyster piracy cases in 1864 D78:1-2
conditions in 1861 D66:1
conditions in 1862 D68:1-5
conditions in 1865 D79:1-5
contract for improvements in 1856 D41:1-2
described in 1855 D28:1
destination of people moved from Table Rock D91:1
farms and houses seized by whites in 1866 D90:1
included the Alsea Sub-Agency in 1860 D65:1
suitability for relocation D46:2

Colier, Cole
accused in 1854 attack on Chetco village D23:2

Columbia River
mouth in 1850 Chinook boundary description D3:2

Condon, James B.
relieved Siletz agent in 1862 D75:1
removed oyster pirate from Coast Reservation D77:2

and 1892 Siletz land purchase D80:2-5
and request for money for volunteers in 1856 D39:6
must act to buy Table Rock Reservation D91:2

Cook, Jake
signed petition in 1878 D94:4

Cooper, Frank
and corruption accusations against Siletz agent D70:2
transported provisions as agent's employee D74:2-3

Coos Bay
whites encourage Indians to hide in 1860 D65:2

Coos Indians
hid so as not to be moved in 1860 D65:1-3
wanted to return to Siletz Reservation in 1883 D60:190

Coos Valley
special Indian agent William Martin in 1853 D21:1

Coquille Indians
arrive at Yaquina Bay in 1856 D46:4
described as friendly to whites D64:17-18
on Coast Reservation in 1856 D38:3

Coquille River
and land bordering it described by Sixes George D73:1

accusations against Siletz agent in 1862 D70:1
accusations against Siletz agent in 1862 D74:1-4
dismissal of Siletz agent in 1862 D75:1

and Yaquina Bay Wagon Road Co. and land grant D109:1
lacked railroad to Elk City in 1867 D93:3
originating point for proposed road to Siletz in 1879 D114:1

Court of Indian Offenses
on Siletz Reservation in 1884 D55:191
on Siletz Reservation D102:1

Cow Creek Indians
in 1854-55 D22:2
in 1855-56 D34:1-2

in southern Oregon in 1856 D39:4

Culver, Samuel H.
distributed provisions in 1857 D52:1
reinstated as Indian agent in 1854 D24:1
signed 1853 Rogue River treaty D18:4-8
suspended as Indian agent in 1854 D1:1
turned over worthless horses in 1855 D26:2

Curry, Gov. George
on Indian wars D40:1
on Oregonians and Indian wars D37:1

Dart, Anson
asked for troops for Umpqua Valley in 1850 D6:1
asked to send agent to Rogue River valley in 1851 D9:1
bringing treaties to Washington D14:1
commission of H.H. Spalding as agent in 1850 D3:2
informed H.H. Spalding of his appointment as agent D2:1
on 1851 conflicts D11:1
on Donation Land Claim Act D10:1
resignation in 1852 D15:1
told agent urge kind treatment of Indians in 1851 D7:1
took office as superintendent in 1850 D4:1

Dart, George
on depredations commission in 1853 D18:1

Dave (Sixes)
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:5

Davis, L.A.
commissioner of military affairs in 1853 D18:1

and removal of coast bands in 1856 D38:1-3

Deer Creek Indians
left Applegate Creek for Illinois Valley in 1855 D26:2
suspected in 1854 killing D29:2-3

Dent, Capt. F.F.
on Coast Reservation conditions D71:1

Depoe, Charles [Depot Charley]
(Joshua) signed 1878 letter against agent D96:6
member of 1892 land negotiation committee D80:13
on selling land to government in 1892 D86:3-7

1853 claims to have been paid from annuity D17:3
as seen by Tecumtum (John) in 1856 D40:1
claim of James Bruce in 1854 D36:1
claims for 1853 conflict appraised D18:1
claims for 1853 conflict unpaid D35:1
commissioner to be appointed in 1853 D18:5
given as cause to remove Rogue River Indians D91:1

Dick (Coquille)
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:5

Dick (Nestucca)
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:3

Dick (Sixes)
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:4

sold oats to Siletz Reservation D83:2

Donation Land Claim Act
caused conflict in 1851 D10:1
caused loss of land D64:12

Dowell, B.F.
complained Indian war claims of 1853 unpaid D35:1

Drew, Charles S.
made claim for provisions for 1853 conflict D52:1

Drew, E. P.
sub-agent at Umpqua Sub-Agency in 1860 D65:1

Drum, R. C.
ordered release of oyster pirate in 1864 D77:1

Dugan, Richard
commissioner of military affairs in 1853 D18:1

on Siletz Reservation in 1873 D87:2
on Siletz Reservation in 1879 D112:3
on Siletz Reservation in 1879 D53:238
on Siletz Reservation in 1882 D54:200-201
on Siletz Reservation in 1883 D60:189
on Siletz Reservation in 1884 D55:190
on Siletz Reservation in 1885 D56:393
on Siletz Reservation in 1903 D57:292
on Siletz Reservation in 1903 D58:407
on Siletz Reservation in 1906 D59:333
on Siletz Reservation D100:1
school for Indians set up in Salem in 1892 D80:15

Egbert, Knott G.
superintendent at Siletz in 1906 D59:333

Elee Catfish (Joshua)
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:6

Elk City
and transportation problems in 1867 D93:3

Empire City
in 1860 D65:3

on Siletz Reservation in 1882 D54:200
on Siletz Reservation in 1883 D60:189
on Siletz Reservation in 1884 D55:190
on Siletz Reservation D101:1
wages earned on and off Siletz Reservation in 1879 D103:2

Episcopal Church
on Siletz Reservation in 1903 D57:293

spoke at council in 1859 D64:15
spoke at council in 1862 D73:5-6

Evans Creek
boundary in 10 September 1853 treaty D18:5

Evans Bill (Rogue River)
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:4

Fairchild, James H.
agent at Siletz in 1873 D87:2

Fanny (schooner)

Fernard, Lizzie
on Siletz Reservation in 1903 D57:292

1861 appropriation for Alsea Sub-Agency inadequate D66:2
Alsea sub-agent's accounts for 1859-60 questioned D69:1
federal funds supported Coast Reservation in 1865 D79:4
of Oregon superintendency in 1856 D34:3-4

for Southern Oregon Indians in 1854 D22:1-3
needed for hunting by Siletz people in 1862 D73:6
of Rogue River people to be surrendered in 1853 D17:2
secessionists distributed revolvers on reservation in 1861 D67:1
stolen from Chinese on Galice Creek in 1855 D26:1
taken away from Siletz people in 1862 and not returned D73:2

and hunting rights of Alseas and Siuslaws in 1879 D111:1-2
on Coast Reservation in 1862 D68:5

Flett, John
interpreter for troops in 1856 D34:1

Flickfinger, Alfred
and accusations against Siletz agent in 1862 D70:2

Forest Grove
site of school for Indian children in 1884 D55:190

Fort Hoskins
in 1861 D71:1
needed reinforcements in 1858 D62:3

Fort Lane
under command of Capt. A.J. Smith in January 1856 D34:1-2
war critic took refuge in 1856 D43:1
war critic took refuge in 1856 D44:1

Fort Umpqua
needed reinforcements in 1858 D62:4

Fort Vancouver
in 1850 Chinook boundary description D3:2

Fort Yamhill
needed reinforcements in 1858 D62:3

Fourth of July
celebration involves Siletz Indians in 1904 D57:293-94

Fowler, W.W.
appraiser of depredation claims in 1853 D18:1

Frank (Nestucca)
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:4

Frank (Rogue River)
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:5

Frank (Shasta Costa)
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:5

Frank (Tututunne)
signed 1878 letter against agent D96:4

Frantz, Jacob
transported annuity goods in 1878 D110:1

Fresh Lake
and removal of coast bands in 1856 D38:1

Gaines, Gov. William
and 1851 Rogue River treaty D12:4
and 1851 Rogue River treaty D13:1
on Anson Dart D4:1

Galice Creek
site of raid on Chinese in 1855 D26:1

Galice Creek Indians
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:5

Gates, C.I.
on Siletz Reservation in 1903 D57:292

Gay, George
on killings of Indians by Ewing Young party in 1851 D12:3

Geary, Edward R.
and Siletz council in 1862 D73:5
on removal of Indians from Umpqua D66:1-2
superintendent in 1860 D65:1

George (Sixes)
leader signed 1878 letter against agent D96:4

Grand Ronde Indians
and 1879 land scheme D108:2
and 1879 land scheme D109:2

Grand Ronde Reservation
and Rogue River removal D91:1
bands transferred to Siletz in 1856 D42:1-2
guarded by troops in 1858 D62:3
in 1856 D46:2
in 1856 D48:1
visited by inspector in 1858 D63:2

Grant, U.S., of Siletz
on 1892 land negotiation committee D86:7

Grave Creek Indians
in 18 November 1854 Rogue River treaty D22:3
in Rogue River War (1855-56) D31:1

at mouth of Siletz River swept off in 1856 D49:1

Gray, C.B.
interpreter for 8 September 1853 Rogue River treaty D17:3

Hansey, Jim
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:4

Hansey, William
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:4

Hardin, Ben
signed 1878 petition D94:4

Harding, H.H.
and sale of Siletz land in 1892 D80:1-19
and sale of Siletz land in 1892 D86:2-8

Harney (Shasta Costa)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:5

Harney, George
member of 1892 land negotiation committee D80:13-21
on 1892 land negotiation committee D86:7
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:4
spoke to off-reservation Indians in 1879 D105:4-8

Harris, Richard
and 1864 Yaquina Bay oyster conflict D77:1-3

Harvey, Amos
sub-agent on Coast Reservation in 1864 D77:4

commanded troops requested on Umpqua in 1850 D6:1

and 1856 removal D34:1-2
disease data collected in 1854 D23:2
John Boswell Siletz physician D101:1
medical inventory at Siletz Agency in 1879 D112:2
new physician at Siletz in 1882 D54:200
on Siletz Reservation in 1871 D83:3-4
on Siletz Reservation in 1879 D53:238
on Siletz Reservation in 1882 D54:199
on Siletz Reservation in 1883 D60:188
on Siletz Reservation in 1903 D57:292
on Siletz Reservation in 1903 D57:293
on Siletz Reservation in 1906 D59:333

Hedges, Abraham F.
on 1856 contract for reservation development D42:1
on shipwreck of provisioning schooner in 1856 D48:1
superintendent of Indian affairs in 1856 D41:1
on delivery of provisions D46:1

Hillyer, Richard
arrested and removed from Coast Reservation D77:1-3

Hogg, T. Egenton
represented English land company in 1879 D114:1

Holcomb, C.W.
responded to 1878 Siletz Sgency advertisement D84:1

Homestead Act
and Alsea Indians in 1879 D109:3
discriminatory against Indians D98:3-4

of Indians protected by government in 1853 treaty D18:7-8
requested by Rogue River leaders in 1854 D22:4

Alsea houses on Siletz not built as of 1883 D60:189
Alsea Indians built houses on Siletz Reservation in 1879 D109:3
for Rogue River leaders provided in 1853 treaty D18:6
homes at mouth of Siletz River destroyed in 1856 D49:1

Howard, Joseph
and wife removed from Siletz Reservation in 1882 D54:199

Hudson's Bay Company
policy of conciliation D12:2

Hugh (Sixes)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:5

owned mill near Table Rock Reservation in 1855 D26:2

Hunter (Rogue River)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:5

Huntington, J.W. Perit
superintendent on purchase of Table Rock D91:1-2
on oyster piracy cases in 1864 D77:1-4

Illinois River Indians
suspected in 1854 killing D29:2

Illinois Valley
destination of Deer Creek Indians in 1855 D26:2

Indian police
on Siletz Reservation in 1882 D54:199
on Siletz Reservation in 1883 D60:188
on Siletz Reservation in 1884 D55:190
on Siletz Reservation D101:1
on Siletz Reservation D102:1

Indian-white social relations
off reservation in 1879 D114:1-2
Siletz agent had Indian family D45:1
whites encouraged Indians to hide D65:2

characterized as inferior by federal investigator D61:3
characterized as savages in Oregon newspapers in 1856 D43:1
characterized as savages D12:4
characterized by superintendent in 1856 D39:3
Homestead Act discriminatory against D98:3-4
said in 1851 to have no more rights than beasts D11:1

Intercourse Act
and isolation of Coast Reservation D77:4
and trade in whiskey D2:1

Jack (Rogue River)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:5

Jack (Sixes)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:5

Jackson (Coquille leader)
on work, request for sale of land D64:17-18
signed 1878 petition D94:4

site of religious meeting in 1879 D105:3-6

Jake (Coquille)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:6

Jake's Band of Rogue River Indians
had 20-30 killed in 1855 raid D36:1

Jakey (Shasta Costa)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:5

scouted north of Salmon River in 1856 D38:2

Siletz allottment agent in 1892 D80:2-4

Jennings, Berryman
and schooner Calumet D46:1
and wreck of schooner Calumet in 1856 D48:1-2
contracted to furnish flour D42:1-2

Jim (Coquille)
leader signed 1878 petition against agent D96:5

Jim (Galice Creek)
leader signed 1878 petition against agent D96:5

Jim (Nestucca)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:3

Jim (Shasta Costa)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:5

Jim (Sixes)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:4

Jimmie (Galice Creek)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:5

John (Joshua)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:6

John (Shasta Costa)
leader signed 1878 petition against agent D96:5

Johnson (Nestucca)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:4

Johnson, Dick
and 1862 Siletz corruption allegations D74:4
existence questioned D70:2

Joshua Indians
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:6

Jump-Off Joe Creek
boundary of land ceded in 1853 treaty D18:4
in treaty of 8 September 1853 D17:1

Kautz, Lt. August
witnessed 10 September 1853 treaty D18:8

Kearney, Maj. Phillip
captured prisoners in Rogue River Valley D9:1

King's Valley
and road to Siletz D46:1
wealth of whites seen there D64:17

Klamath Charley
signed 1878 petition D94:4

Klamath Farm
on Siletz Reservation in 1878 D110:1

Klamath Indians
and Indian title to Oregon land D107:1
and relocation program D107:4

Klamath River Indians
in Rogue River War (1855-56) D31:1

Klamath Smith (Sixes)
signed petition against agent D96:5

Klickitat Indians
visited by Leschi in 1857 D61:21


Lamson (Coquille)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:5

Alsea Indian entitlement to claims disputed in 1879 D113:1
farms and houses on Yaquina Bay seized by whites in 1866 D90:1
lost due to Donation Land Claim Act D64:12
needed for allotments at Siletz in 1878 D98:3
on Siletz Reservation surveyed for allotment in 1879 D109:2
on Yaquina Bay taken by whites in 1866 D88:1
opening reservation for white occupation discussed in 1879 D115:1
opening Siletz for white occupation discussed in 1878 D94:1
proceedings of 1892 Siletz land sale meeting D80:1-21
proceedings of 1892 Siletz land sale meeting D86:1-8
sales of inherited Siletz Reservation property in 1906 D59:333
sales of inherited Siletz Reservation property D57:293
Siletz Reservation reduction proposed D108:1-3
surveying techniques reported improved in 1883 D60:188
Table Rock Reservation must be purchased by act of Congress D91:2
titles requested by Siletz Reservation people in 1878 D94:3
titles would be extinguished by Senate Bill 202 D107:1

Lane, Joe (Tututunne)
on Siletz Reservation conditions (D73:6
Lane, Joseph
Lane, Joseph and 1853 Rogue River treaty D17:1-3
and 1853 Rogue River treaty D18:5-8
and Gov. George Curry D37:2
concluded treaty with Rogue River people in 1853 D18:1
escorted Indian prisoners in 1851 D9:1
led volunteers D61:12
resigned as governor and superintendent in 1850 D12:3
spoke in council D64:14-15

Lane, Scott
on 1892 Siletz land negotiation committee D86:7

LaSalle III, George
in 1856 D44:4

rallied Northwest Indian resistance in 1855 D61:21

Lilly, Jeremiah L.
affidavit in Siletz corruption case in 1862 D70:2
on Siletz agent's purchase of two mules D74:3

Lilly, S.N.
and 1862 Siletz corruption allegations D70:2

distribution on Siletz in 1882 D54:202
in poor condition on Siletz Reservation in 1871 D83:1
inventory on Siletz in 1879 D112:2
on Siletz Reservation in 1879 D102:1-2
price for grazing lands in 1903 D57:292

Logan (Sixes)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:4

Logan, Pengra
interpreter in 1892 D86:1

Long, Charley
signed 1878 petition D94:4

Looking Glass Prairie Indians
attacked by whites in 1856 D34:2

Lower Farm
on Siletz Reservation in 1862 D74:1

Lower Table Rock
and reservation boundary in 1853 D18:4

Luce, William
hid women from Indian-catchers in 1860 D65:3

Ludlow, A.
and oystering on Yaquina Bay in 1864 D76:1
filed suit against Siletz agent in 1864 D77:1-3
on 1864 suit over oystering on Yaquina Bay D78:1

needed on Siletz Reservation in 1882 D54:202
needed on Siletz Reservation in 1884 D55:190

Lupton, James
commanded 1855 attack on Rogue River valley Indians D36:1

Lyle, J.E.
witnessed statement of special Indian agent D21:1

signed Rogue River treaty of 10 September 1853 D18:8

Lyre Bill
shot in the shoulder on Applegate Creek in 1855 D26:2

Mackay, John (Sixes)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:5

Madero, J.D.
secretary at 1853 Rogue River treaty talks D18:8

Magruder, Theophilus
Umpqua sub-agent in 1856 D34:1

Mann, George
signed petition in 1878 D94:4

Martin, William
appointed special Indian agent in 1853 D21:1
appointed Umpqua sub-agent in 1856 D34:1
resigned as Indian agent D25:1

supplied oats to Siletz Reservation in 1871 D83:2

McBride, James
described 1851 fight at Willow Springs D8:2

McCain, J.S.
Methodist minister in 1884 D55:190
on removal of Siletz agent D97:1-2
said wanted by people as agent in 1878 D96:3

McIterny, J.S.
appointed as physician at Siletz in 1856 D46:3

McKoin, J.J.
Siletz superintendent in 1903 D57:292

asked Sixes leader to stay at Siletz and farm in 1862 D73:6
government farmer on Siletz Reservation in 1862 D74:1

Metcalf, R.
hauled stone to Siletz in 1878 D110:1
signed 1878 petition D94:4

Metcalfe, Robert B.
agent and discipline of Indians D64:18
agent on Coast Reservation D68:1-2
agent on Siletz Reservation in 1856 D48:1-2
and 1862 Siletz corruption allegations D70:1
and brutality against Siletz Indians D45:1
appointed Indian sub-agent D25:1
asked indulgence for informal accounting D72:1
defended Rogue River War D45:1
in charge of Umpqua encampment in 1856 D34:2
interpreter for 10 September 1853 treaty D18:8
on wreck of schooner Calumet in 1856 D49:1
signed 8 September 1853 Rogue River treaty D17:3
witnessed delivery of provisions in 1853 D52:1

Methodist Church
and Siletz Reservation in 1884 D55:190
letter asked help for Indians D51:1
management of Siletz Reservation D97:1-2
on Siletz Reservation in 1903 D57:293
served by Indian preacher at Siletz D105:4
took over Siletz Reservation in 1871 D82:1

Metzker, John
said involved in 1854 attack on Chetcos D23:2

Miller, A.F.
accused of attack on Chetcos in 1854 D23:2

Miller, James
and 1862 Siletz corruption allegations D70:2

and Indian-white conflict D30:1
killed in Rogue River country in 1853 D16:2
came to Oregon from California D40:1
on Siletz Reservation in 1883 D60:190

Molalla Indians
and removal in 1856 D34:1-2

Mooses (Sixes)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:5

Morris, Siletz
on committee negotiating land sale in 1892 D86:7

Mott, C.H.
held council with coast tribes on Siletz Reservation D64:14
inspector on visit to Grand Ronde in 1858 D63:2

Mount Pitt
in Rogue River treaty of 8 September 1853 D17:1

Siletz Klamaths decline to give to agent D95:2

Nash, Wallis
represented English land company in 1879 D114:1

Nat (Sixes)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:5

Nechesne River Station
in 1856 D48:2

Nesmith, James W.
and allegations of Siletz agent's corruption D70:2
and allegations of Siletz agent's corruption D75:1
impressed Indian Office inspector in 1858 D63:2
interpreter for 1853 Rogue River treaty talks D18:8
on war claim of Charles S. Drew in 1853 D52:1
superintendent D68:1

Nestucca Indians
moved to Siletz in 1884 D55:190
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:3

New York Tribune
published critic of Rogue River War (1855-56) D43:1

Newcomb, Daniel
agent on Coast Reservation D68:1-2
and 1862 Siletz corruption allegations D70:3

Newcomb, Martin
and 1862 Siletz corruption allegations D70:3

road connection with Siletz Reservation in 1873 D87:2
road connection with Siletz Reservation in 1884 D55:190
said to be a rival for Portland in 1867 D93:3
visited by investigating senator in 1879 D115:1

Odell, W.H.
and sale of Siletz land in 1892 D80:1-20
and sale of Siletz land in 1892 D86:2-8

Old Bill (Rogue River)
[Old Man Bill] signed petition against agent D96:4
reported mistreatment at Siletz in 1862 D73:3-4

Old C.C. John
signed 1878 petition D94:4

Old Chetco Charley
signed 1878 petition D94:4

Old Harney
signed 1878 petition D94:4

Old Joshua
[Old Chief Joshuway] signed 1878 petition D96:6
signed 1878 petition D94:4

Old Man Dick (Nestucca)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:3

Old Man Jack (Nestucca)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:4

Old Man Peter (Nestucca)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:3

Old Shelhead
(Tututunne) [Old Man Shelhead] signed 1878 petition D96:4
signed 1878 petition D94:4

(Southern) Indian hostility toward whites D12:3
character of people defended in 1856 D39:1-6
had problems like those in California in 1856 D45:1

Oregon Legislature
and Joel Palmer in 1856 D40:1

Oregon Spectator
newspaper D12:4

conflict over Yaquina Bay in 1864 D76:1
conflict over Yaquina Bay in 1864 D77:1-4

Pacific Ocean
boundary of Siletz Reservation D53:238

Palmer, Ephraim
contracted for 1856 reservation improvements D41:1
contracted for 1856 reservation improvements D42:1

Palmer, Joel
Palmer, Joel became agent at Siletz in 1871 D82:1
concluded treaty for purchase of Indian land in 1853 D18:1
contracted to improve Coast Reservation in 1856 D41:1
contracted to improve Coast Reservation in 1856 D42:1
defended by critic of Rogue River War in 1856 D40:1
defended by critic of Rogue River War in 1856 D44:1
in Siletz Valley in 1856 D46:4
made treaty with Sixes George D73:1
on 1854 suspension and reinstatement of agent D24:1
on annuity of Rogue River Indians in 1854 D22:1
on attack on Chetcos in 1854 D23:2
on cause of Rogue River War (1855-56) D39:1
on coast in 1855 D28:1-2
on Indian wars in Oregon in 1856 D43:1
on Indians left in Port Orford D47:1
on killings of miners in 1853 D16:1
on need for funds for subsistence in 1856 D34:3-4
on problems due to crowding D30:1
on provisions distributed in 1853 D52:1
on purchase of Indian lands by treaty in 1853 D20:2
on removal of coast Indians in 1856 D38:1
on reports of tribal culture in 1854 D23:1
on white depredation claim D36:1
requested sale of Coquille lands D64:17
selected site of Coast Reservation D78:2
signed 8 September 1853 Rogue River treaty D17:3
signed Rogue River treaty 10 September 1853 D18:4-8
suspended Samuel Culver as Indian agent D1:1

Parrish, J.L.
on superintendent's instructions in 1854 D23:2

Peter (Galice Creek)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:5

Peter (Nestucca)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:3

assistant carpenter at Siletz in 1879 D53:238

Pilot Rock
boundary of land ceded in 10 September 1853 treaty D18:4
in Rogue River treaty of 8 September 1853 D17:1

Piper, W.G.
recommended as agent for Siletz in 1878 D97:2

Pitt's Peak
boundary of land ceded 10 September 1853 treaty D18:4

Point of Rocks
interpreter sent to induce Indians to come in D9:1

Polaklie Illahee
earthly hell for Indians prophesied by Leschi D61:21

of Siletz Reservation in 1879 D53:238
of Siletz Reservation in 1882 D54:200
of Siletz Reservation in 1883 D60:190
of Siletz Reservation in 1884 D55:190
of Siletz Reservation in 1906 D59:333
Umpqua census in 1856 D34:1

Port Orford
camp for Indian prisoners D47:1

accused in attack on Chetcos in 1854 D23:2

and transportation to Siletz Reservation in 1882 D54:199
denied to Indians due to lack of funds in 1878 D84:1
distributed to Rogue River Indians in 1853 D52:1-2
for Siletz lost in wreck of schooner in 1856 D48:1
for Umpqua Sub-Agency in 1860 D65:3
in 10 September 1853 Rogue River treaty D18:5-6
lacking on Coast Reservation in 1861 D66:1
needed on Siletz Reservation in 1862 D73:2-6
needed on Siletz Reservation in 1879 D53:238
needed to keep Alsea Indians on reservation in 1877 D85:2
needed to keep Indians on reservation in 1861 D71:1-2
needed to move Alsea Indians to Siletz in 1877 D89:2
oats bought to feed Siletz Agency horses in 1871 D83:2
of inferior quality in 1854 D22:5
packed from depot to Siletz Agency by women D74:2
purchased for Rogue River Indians in 1854 D22:1
to be delivered to Coast Reservation by schooner D46:1
transported to Siletz Reservation in 1884 D55:190
would be exhausted by winter in 1858 D62:3

in 1855 of man who murdered Rogue River Indians D27:1
of Indians by Ewing Young and Hudson Bay Company D12:2
of Indians in 8 September 1853 Rogue River treaty D17:1
of Indians on 10 September 1853 Rogue River treaty D18:7
of Rogue River Indians who committed theft in 1855 D26:2
of whites for killing Indians in 1856 D39:4
Ramsby, Maxwell
suggested as Siletz agent D74:4

Rector, William H.
and 1862 Siletz corruption allegations D70:2-3
asked for removal of Siletz agent in 1862 D74:1-4
on 1864 Yaquina Bay oyster pirate D77:2
on secession of sub-agent in 1862 D69:1
on speeches of Siletz leaders in 1862 D73:1-6
ordered Siletz agent relieved in 1862 D75:1
superintendent on Siletz grain crop in 1862 D68:1

attitude of people on Siletz Reservation in 1873 D87:2
beliefs of Siletz people in 1871 D83:4
Christian missionaries on Siletz in 1879 D53:238
Christian missionaries on Siletz in 1882 D54:201
meeting in Jacksonville in 1879 D105:3-6
missionaries on Siletz in 1879 D102:2
of "Dreamers" said to have done poorly on Siletz D105:2-6
participation at Siletz Reservation D100:1
services on Siletz Reservation in 1883 D60:189

Alsea houses on Siletz not built as of 1883 D60:189
cost of removal and resettlement of Siletz people D105:1
of peaceful Rogue River Indians planned in 1855 D32:1
of Rogue River Indians D91:1
proposal for Alsea Reservation criticized in 1867 D93:3
relocation of Oregon tribes outside state discussed D107:1-4
Siletz Agency to get property of Alsea Sub-Agency D89:3
status of Alsea Indians in 1879 D111:1-2
Tillamook and Nestucca Indians moved to Siletz D55:190

Roberts, William
secretary of Methodist conference D51:1

Rogue River
boundary in 10 September 1853 treaty D18:5
boundary in 8 September 1853 treaty D17:1

Rogue River Campaign (1851)

Rogue River Campaign (1853)
depredation claims not paid D35:1

Rogue River Indians
Rogue River Indians 10 September 1853 treaty D18:4-8
accused in 1851 attack D8:9
accused of murdering miners in 1853 D16:3
accused of thievery by superintendent D2:1
annuity too small in 1854-55 D22:1
conditions D30:1-2
hostile demonstrations in 1850 D3:2-3
made treaty with governor D12:4
members killed in 1855 attack D36:1
members signed 1878 petition against agent D96:4
provisioned in 1853 D52:1
removal D91:1
removed to Willamette Valley D33:1
should not be molested (1851) D7:1
spoke through interpreter D105:4
subjected to atrocities by trappers D12:2
superintendent warns of danger of war with D24:1
treaty of peace 8 September 1853 D17:1

Rogue River Valley
and Sacramento River D43:1
said not safe for travel in 1850 D5:1-3

Rogue River War (1855-56) costs of removal and settlement D105:1
criticized in New York TribuneD43:1
criticized D40:1
origins described D61:2

Roman Catholic Church
on Siletz Reservation in 1903 D57:293

Ross, Alec
signed 1878 petition D94:4

Ross, Alexander
requested clear title to Siletz Reservation D108:1-3

Ross, John
appraiser for depredation claims in 1853 D18:1

Royal, T.F.
clerk at Siletz in 1878 D97:1
clerk at Siletz in 1879 D112:1
on 1879 conditions at Siletz D102:1-2
served as minister on Siletz D100:1

Royal, W.E.
witnessed signing of petition in 1878 D94:4

Salmon River
coast bands relocated to in 1856 D38:1
station abandoned in 1856 D48:2
visited by Siletz agent in 1884 D55:190

Salmon River John (Nestucca)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:4

Samuel (Nestucca leader)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:3

Samuel (Shasta Costa)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:5

San Francisco
base of Yaquina Bay oyster pirates in 1864 D77:2-3

on Siletz Reservation in 1882 D54:200
on Siletz Reservation in 1884 D55:190

Indian agent's station in 1850 D3:2
Indians caught there in 1860 D65:3

Sealey (Sixes)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:4

failed to ratify treaties D64:12

Shasta Costa Indians
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:5

Shasta Scoton Indians
and 18 November 1854 Rogue River Treaty D22:3
in Rogue River War (1855-56) D31:1

Shaw, Willis
messenger in 1856 D34:1

Sheil, Edward
commissioner of military affairs in 1853 D18:1

Shelhead Charley
hauled stone to Siletz in 1878 D110:1
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:4
signed 1878 petition D94:4

Shogrun, Louis
witnessed signing of petition in 1878 D94:4

Shough, A.
and attack on Chetco village D23:2

Siletz Agency
location on Siletz River proposed in 1856 D48:2

Siletz Bay
schooner Calumet wrecked in 1856 D48:1-2
schooner Calumet wrecked in 1856 D49:1

Siletz Reservation
absentees in 1861 D67:1
absentees in 1871 D82:1
conditions in 1873 D87:2
conditions in 1878 D101:1
conditions in 1878 D99:1
conditions in 1879 D112:1
conditions in 1879 D53:237-39
conditions in 1883 D60:190
conditions in 1903 D57:292-94
conditions in 1903 D58:407
conditions in 1906 D59:333
guarded by troops in 1858 D62:3
improvements in 1879 D102:1
improvements made by Indians D100:1
inspected by superintendent in 1862 D74:1
land reduction proposed D108:1-3
land sale conference in 1892 D86:7
mistreatment reported in 1862 D73:1-6
pass system D103:1-3
people asked for new agent in 1878 D96:1-6
people met with federal investigator D61:12
people nearly starved in 1878 D97:2
people petition in 1878 D94:3
received Alsea Indians in 1877 D89:6
said to have land for Indian settlement D105:1
threat to land in 1879 saps motivation D115:2

Siletz River
commercial fishing proposal D68:4-5
could be used as transportation by Indians with canoes D46:3
in 1855 Coast Reservation description D28:1
in district description in 1856 D38:1

Simmons (Galice Creek)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:5

Simpson, Benjamin
agent at Siletz D88:1
and oyster piracy case in 1864 D77:1-2
named in 1864 suit over oystering D78:1
removed Tillamooks and Nestuccas to Siletz D55:190
replaced as Siletz agent in 1871 D82:1

Siskiyou Mountains
boundary in 10 Sept 1853 Rogue River treaty D18:4
in 8 September 1853 Rogue River treaty D17:1

Siuslaw Indians
trouble with whites in 1879 D111:1-2
wanted to return to Siletz Reservation in 1883 D60:190

Sixes George
and coast treaty D73:1

Sixes Indians
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:4

Slater, Sen. James H.
presented bill to remove Indians in 1879 D107:1-4
proposed to close reservation in 1879 D115:1

Smith, Capt. A.J.
on request for troops in January 1856 D34:1
threatened with assault by volunteers in 1856 D45:1
visited Rogue River agent in 1855 D26:1

Smith, Klamath (Sixes)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:5

Smith, William
signed petition in 1878 D94:4

Solomon (Rogue River)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:5

Spalding, H.H.
agent and whites in southern Oregon in 1851 D7:1
agent warned of unsafe travel conditions in 1850 D5:1-3
gets commission from Superintendent Dart in 1850 D3:2
ill and absent from post in 1851 D11:1
informed of appointment as agent in Umpqua Valley D2:1
journey to Rogue River in 1851 D12:4
on 1851 conflicts D13:1
on need for troops in southern Oregon in 1850 D6:1

Spencer, William H.
and 1862 Siletz corruption allegations D70:2

Stanton, F.M.
government farmer on Siletz Reservation in 1883 D60:188

Starr, P.M.
received 1878 request from Indians for new agent D96:1

Stevens, Gov. Isaac
and Northwest Indian wars in 1856 D40:1
and Northwest Indian wars D61:20

Strong, William
demanded cash for Siletz land in 1892 D86:4

Superintendent of Indian Affairs
duties defined in 1856 D39:5-6

Swan, E.A.
agent arrived at Siltez Reservation in 1879 D53:237
on Alsea removal in 1879 D111:1-2
on conditions on Siletz Reservation in 1879 D112:1
on conditions on Siletz Reservation in 1882 D54:199
on demand for removal of Alsea people in 1879 D113:1
on proposal to close reservation in 1879 D115:1
on road scheme in 1879 D114:1-2

Swigget, Dr.
and 1862 Siletz corruption allegations D70:2

Sykes, J.B.
Alsea sub-agent in 1862 D68:1
joined Confederate Army in 1862 D69:1
planted crops at Alsea in 1860 D66:1
searched for Indians in 1860 D65:3

Table Rock Reservation
conditions in 1855 D27:1
purchase discussed D91:1-2

of Indian lands discussed in 1892 D80:3

Tecumsah (Coquille)
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:4

Tecumtum [John]
signed 10 September 1853 Rogue River Treaty D18:8

Tichenor, William
special agent for removal D47:1

Tillamook Indians
moved to Siletz in 1884 D55:190

alchohol intercepted by superintendent in 1850 D3:3
Hudson's Bay Company D12:2
Intercourse Act and whiskey trade D2:1
trader moved off reservation D54:202

agent answered corruption allegations in 1862 D70:1
agent criticized for transportation scheme in 1862 D74:1
Calumet (schooner) wrecked in 1856 in Siletz Bay D48:1
Calumet (schooner) wrecked in 1856 in Siletz Bay D49:1
of annuity goods in 1879 D110:1
of provisions to Siletz in 1882 D54:199
of supplies for Siletz Reservation in 1883 D60:188
provisions to be delivered by schooner D46:1
railroad and road discussed for Siletz in 1884 D55:189-90
railroad might be built on Siletz D109:1
road proposed in 1879 D114:1
Rogue River country unsafe for travel in 1850 D5:1-3
Siletz-Newport road opened in 1873 D87:2

made before 1851 D10:2
not ratified by Senate D64:12
taken to Washington by Anson Dart D14:1

Treaty of 10 September 1853 (Rogue River)

Treaty of 18 November 1854 (Rogue River)

Treaty of 1851
made by Gov. William Gaines D12:4
made by Gov. William Gaines D13:1

Treaty of 1855 (Oregon coast)

Treaty of 29 November 1853 (Calapooia)

Treaty of 8 September 1853 (Rogue River)

Turpin, Mrs.
directed reservation school D87:2

Tututunne Indians
signed 1878 petition against agent D96:4-5

Umpqua Sub-Agency
costs of relocation in 1860 D65:4

Upper Farm
on Siletz Reservation in 1871 D83:2

Wagner, J.
accused in attack on Chetcos D23:2

William (Chetco leader)
spoke to superintendent in 1862 D73:4

Williams, Johnny
interpreter in 1892 D86:1

brutally treated in 1851 D13:1
packed provisions D73:4
packed provisions from depot to Siletz Agency D74:2
Siletz girl assistant teacher in 1882 D54:200

Wool, Gen. John E.
and removal in 1856 D34:1-3
and Rogue River War (1855-56) D39:1
and Rogue River War (1855-56) D40:1
and Rogue River War (1855-56) D44:3
and Rogue River War (1855-56) D61:2

Yaquina Bay
arrival of Indians in 1856 D46:4
farms and houses on seized by whites in 1866 D90:1
oyster conflict in 1864 D76:1
oyster conflict in 1864 D77:1-4

Yaquina River
commercial fishing proposal D68:4-5